Case Studies

A close up of two people shaking hands.

Launch Plan Validation

Four wooden blocks with different icons on them.


A biotech company approached MCAworks to validate an already established launch plan as the team was less than twelve months from launch but concerned that their plan was not comprehensive or on target to deliver critical activities when required for a successful launch.

Our Approach

MCAworks began by conducting a thorough review of the current launch plan, cross-referencing it against their proprietary launch library to ensure comprehensive coverage of all necessary deliverables and activities. They then assessed the launch plan in relation to the brand strategy and brand plan, verifying its alignment with the promised results and overall objectives. A crucial part of their approach involved conducting in-depth interviews with all functional leads. During these sessions, MCAworks meticulously examined their individual plans, pressure-tested activities and interdependencies, and engaged in detailed discussions about potential risks. This multi-faceted evaluation process identified gaps, optimizedd the launch strategy, and enhanced cross-functional coordination, ultimately strengthening the overall launch plan and increasing the likelihood of a successful product introduction.

A hand holding a magnifying glass over a set of magnets.
A row of cubes with a graph on them.


The efforts culminated in a fully vetted launch plan, encompassing all activities and deliverables crucial for a successful launch. Key outcomes included aligned deliverable dates ensuring timely completion of launch-critical items, a comprehensive assessment of potential risks and opportunities, and accurate, up-to-date status of all launch plan components. Additionally, they provided clear documentation of cross-functional interdependencies throughout the plan. This comprehensive approach equipped the client with a robust, strategic roadmap for their product launch, enhancing coordination across teams and optimizing resource allocation for maximum impact.