Case Studies

A close up of two people shaking hands.

Global White Label Research Product

Four wooden blocks with different icons on them.


A prominent sell-side financial institution, in collaboration with MCAworks, had successfully developed a distinctive research approach and product offering. This innovative solution aimed to set the firm apart in a competitive market. However, to maximize the product's value and relevance for its buy-side clientele, the institution recognized a critical need to deepen its understanding of these clients' specific requirements, challenges, and objectives. This insight would enable the firm to refine and optimize its offering, ensuring it addressed the evolving needs of its target market and strengthened its position as a valuable partner to buy-side firms.

Our Approach

MCAworks implemented a comprehensive, two-phase research strategy to address the client's needs. The first phase consisted of in-depth, qualitative one-on-one interviews with key buy-side personnel, providing rich, contextual insights. This was followed by a rigorous quantitative research phase, designed to validate and expand upon the initial findings. This methodical approach successfully uncovered the underlying, often unexpressed needs of the buy-side institutions. A key discovery was the dual requirement among these firms: each sought an offering that was not only (A) unique in the marketplace but also (B) aligned with their individual corporate identity and values. This nuanced understanding enabled the development of tailored solutions that could meet the specific demands of each buy-side client while maintaining the sell-side firm's innovative edge.

A hand holding a magnifying glass over a set of magnets.
A row of cubes with a graph on them.


The resulting product and marketing offering was designed to have a heavy customizable capability, allowing the buy-side pick and choose from a white-label approach. This resulted in greater take-up and loyalty from this client set.