Case Studies: Retail Services

Linkage and Integration of Overall Marketing Strategies with Social Media Programs

A major firm had stood by, allowing its social media efforts to grow organically, as various employees and departments each pursued its own efforts to leverage a new medium. MCAworks was engaged to develop a coherent, focused social media strategy.


MCAworks first developed, via internal interviews and discussions with senior client managers, a set of objectives and expectations (what social media can and should do, what it can’t or shouldn’t attempt). Armed with this internal consensus, MCAworks then surveyed the range of competitive and analogous social media strategies and developed a three-year plan to consolidate efforts into a proactive, leaderships role in social media to utilize the tools of the emerging media to rapidly grow friends, loyal customers, and seasonal employees.


The company remains an acknowledged leader in its business category and continues its above-industry growth, while its social media efforts are, for their industry, state-of-the-art.